Vinicio Brigante – Assegnista di ricerca in Diritto amministrativo, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” – (
1. Useful inputs for a definition of (administrative) corruption.
2 . From the need for a public body to fight corruption to the present conformation of the National Anticorruption Authority.
3. Procedural flexibility and soft law: linguistic antithesis, precarious balances and further complications.
4. The difficult legal placement of the acts drawn up by ANAC.
4.1 Guidelines (linee guida) issued by ANAC: an inappropriate uncertainty.
4.2 Anticorruption National plans.
4.3 Recommendations and the power of dynamic supervision on the public procurement cycle.
5. Concluding remarks.
Il tema della precisa collocazione degli atti adottati dall’ANAC rappresenta un problema ampiamente dibattuto dalla dottrina, al quale, tuttavia, non si riesce a trovare una collocazione coerente con il sistema delle fonti. Il saggio si propone di spostare l’obiettivo della ricerca, dalle fonti del diritto al tema dei controlli e della regolazione flessibile, in una visione coerente con il ruolo delle autorità amministrative indipendenti.
The issue of the specific placement of acts issued by the ANAC represents a problem widely debated by Italian scholars for which, nevertheless, it is difficult to find a position compatible with the system of legal sources. The present work shifts the focus of the research from the system of legal sources to the issue of administrative checks and flexible regulation, in a view coherent with the key role of the independent administrative authorities.